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Showing posts from June, 2012


I am a sailor , Charting my course through life, Navigating in the midst of all the strife, Working and hoping that my efforts will thrive. I am a soldier, Fighting everyday to fulfill my mission, Yearning every moment to see the end of the season, Praying every second to experience the vision. I am me, My life is hard but I strive to cope, Even when at times all I have is limited in scope, Never will I cease to seek and hope.   © Patolyer 2012


Inspire me to dream, Lets play the game of life as a team, Support and cheer me on I plead, Be there for me at my point of need. Inspire me to work, Relentlessly as You watch my back, Spur me on each point of the way, Make me account for each moment of the day. Inspire me to achieve, My goals and targets and seek to percieve, Every dream and effort come to fruition, Please I plead, Be My Inspiration. © Patolyer 2012.


God loves you,that's one thing for sure, He also cares deeply for you,because His love is pure, When you fall ill run to Him he has the cure, He will never desert you,even when friends get fewer.   Lay your trust in Him because He is true He never fails, Even when all hope is lost and your heart ails, He will protect you from falls like guard rails, And  whenever you fall into trouble, He is always at hand to post the bail. © Patolyer 2012


Every time I see Your face, My heart increases its pace, Overpowered by the conviction to present its case, Confess of how I feel lost in Your gaze. Your style is so amazing, Your countenance totally captivating, Your beauty surpasses enchanting, Your character? So full of life and interesting.  Its just that with You I'm like a moth playing with a flame, So captivated though I know that its such a dangerous game, Which can burn my wings and leave me lame, So if I get heartbroken I'll only have myself to blame. © Patolyer 2012


I have a dream, So sweet that I don't want to wake up, That one day peace is going to reign in all our hearts, And a vaccine for inhumanity will heal all our souls, Where a dose of Love will rule in all our lives. I have a vision, So real that I don't want to lose focus, That one day Love will be the trademark for all, And Kenya my motherland will be a jewel to be envied by all and sundry, Reigning supreme as a worthy idol to be emulated. I have a battle to fight, So precious that I can't afford to lose, To fight Tribalism from its roots,And to warn all that time is nigh, When time wills out and the bomb will explode, And its toxicity spares no humanity, If You have it in store, please kill it before time runs out. I have a prayer, So persistent that I won't let God rest, until he answers it, To see a paradise in Kenya, Where we will adhere to his commandments, Sparing him the task of having to judge our evils. I have a request to You all, So ...


This is the cry of a people so sick and tired, The expression of thirst for change so long awaited, A shout of hope so strong and fired, Of the dawn of a new life so long admired. In our education system facilities are overstretched, While our beloved teachers are underpaid and understaffed, Leaving our students so desperate and hopeless, Since their future is all bleak and jobless. In our hospitals patient queues seem endless, While the few doctors are frustrated and helpless, Due to lack of even basic drugs and equipment, And the unending trail of broken promises from the government. Our police force is so incompetent and corrupted, Leaving our streets so insecure, dangerous and lawless, Making our citizens so stressed and frustrated, By a government that is just quiet, weak and compromised. We are tired of the endless assurances and broken promises, By a political leadership full of greed and selfishness, Preaching heaven but protecting vested interests, Waxin...