I have a dream, So sweet that I don't want to wake up, That one day peace is going to reign in all our hearts, And a vaccine for inhumanity will heal all our souls, Where a dose of Love will rule in all our lives. I have a vision, So real that I don't want to lose focus, That one day Love will be the trademark for all, And Kenya my motherland will be a jewel to be envied by all and sundry, Reigning supreme as a worthy idol to be emulated. I have a battle to fight, So precious that I can't afford to lose, To fight Tribalism from its roots,And to warn all that time is nigh, When time wills out and the bomb will explode, And its toxicity spares no humanity, If You have it in store, please kill it before time runs out. I have a prayer, So persistent that I won't let God rest, until he answers it, To see a paradise in Kenya, Where we will adhere to his commandments, Sparing him the task of having to judge our evils. I have a request to You all, So ...