Dear Heavenly Father, Every morning I wake up and wish heaven was a physical destination, Where I could race to seek Your audience whenever life tossed me into a situation, For though I've read your word and partaken of your freedom and liberation, I sometimes can't help but wish that we could share coffee, and have a face to face conversation. You see, sometimes I wish that heaven had a postal address where I could send my mail, Or a port of call that I could land for comfort whenever life storms made me frail, Like a wounded warship keeling over with broken masts and a torn sail, Limping home for warmth and comfort after the violence of raging storms and hail. When reading your word I am amazed by the intricacy and depth of your mercies, That you sacrificed your only son to die for me without considering my inadequacies, Which are so many that I sometimes feel unworthy of your love and many promises, But again you reassure me that you love me ev...